WOIP memiliki prosedur pendaftaran yang mudah dan hanya menerima Liberty Reserve. Lalau bagaimana ceritanya bila dia SCAM atau hampir SCAM? Bagi Anda yang saat ini berinvestasi di WOIP,berhati-hatilah. Tidak menutup kemungkinan WOIP akan SCAM. Benarkah demikian? Karena beberapa oarng mengatakan tak mungkin WOIP SCAM karena sudah bertahun-tahun eksis di jajaran teratas HYIP. Semoga saja seperti itu.
Informasi ini bukan info sembarang karena saya mendapatkannya dari sumber yang bisa dipercaya. Ok, simaklah berita di bawah ini.
Bagaimana menurut Anda? Sebagai catatan saat tulisan ini dibuat situs WOIP tidak dapat di akses.
Semoga nggak jadi SCAM nih. Saya pun masih menyimpan sebagian dana di WOIP, Hikss...hiksss :(
Informasi ini bukan info sembarang karena saya mendapatkannya dari sumber yang bisa dipercaya. Ok, simaklah berita di bawah ini.
WOIPSYSTEM IS DANGEROUS AFTER ALLAwal mulanya pada tanggal 13 April 2009, ada beberapa member yang status pembayaran menunggu. Kemudian tanggal 24 April 2009 member mengirimkan untuk menanyakan tentang pemabayaran, tetapi tidak ada jawaban. DAn akhirnya mulai tanggal 6 Mei 2009 situs WOIP tidak dapat diakses sama sekali.
16:52 GMT | Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Trust to all monitoring sites and forums - is the last thing in the sphere of risky high yield investing. Not to listen to the HyipNews.com - is the last thing. Do you want to see proves?
It was published 13 April one of our readers has reported that, Woip-System has delayed his payments. We have published this message and also have made a warning on the forums. What about the rest of the monitoring sites? The status is still PAYING. What about forums? Our message was covered by good requests such as: PAYING, PAYING, ALWAYS PAYING.
But our readers are not so stupid. They know that it`s not good to keep a silence. So we are receiving the second warning and publishing it on the April 24. What about the rest of the monitoring sites and forums? Everything is still the same. They are happy like children. Than how Woip-System is working so long, the support was stopped long time ago, in a word, it`s became hopeless variant.
Recently woip-service.com is becoming woip-service.net, woip.ws is stop working. But lots of people are still saying: PAYING, PAYING, PAYING. I truly believe that there are no our readers among these happy exclamations, in other words wise and thoughtful investors. Because TODAY SITE IS NOT ACCESSIBLE. Yes, yes. It`s inaccessible. Appearing the unconfirmed announcement that it is a "planned maintenance". Moreover, I`m sure that site may come back... but...
Do you need to have more proves to trust everyone, not to listen and not to read the HyipNews.com is the last thing? Run the risk. Invest in Woip-System. But take a notice, that last prove will cost you all your deposit in Woip-System. Is it worth of it?
Martin Eden, HyipNews.com
Bagaimana menurut Anda? Sebagai catatan saat tulisan ini dibuat situs WOIP tidak dapat di akses.
Semoga nggak jadi SCAM nih. Saya pun masih menyimpan sebagian dana di WOIP, Hikss...hiksss :(
berbahaya juga..hampir saya ikut kemarin, tapi ga jadi..:)
BalasHapus@Erwin Y
BalasHapusIya nih mas lagi bermasalah padahal WOIP termasuk HYIP senior n paling lama bertahan nih...
Gimana nasib HYIP yang lainnya,klo begini mah..
nize post gan
BalasHapusartikelnya bgus gan mdah"an bkal byk peminat yoo
BalasHapussilahkan kunjungi web kami
terima kasih dan mohon kunjungannya
nice gan post nya